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    Statute of the National Competitiveness Center

    ​​​​In this Statute, the following words shall have the meanings assigned thereto:
    1. NCC: National Competitiveness Center.
    2. Statute: Statute of the National Competitiveness Center.
    3. Competitiveness: The State’s ability to optimally utilize its resources, policies, and institutions for raising the efficiency and quality of services provided to individuals and businesses in order to contribute to sustainable development and to improve the State’s competitive ranking.
    4. Board: NCC’s board of directors.
    5. Chairman: Board’s chairman.
    6. Executive Director: NCC’s executive director.

    1. ​Under this Statute, a center named the National Competitiveness Center shall be established. The NCC shall report to the Council of Economic and Development Affairs and shall have an independent legal personality and financial and administrative independence. It shall assume the powers and duties assigned thereto under this Statute.
    2. The NCC shall be headquartered in the city of Riyadh and it may establish branches and offices within the Kingdom and abroad.

    ​The NCC aims to enhance the competitive environment in the Kingdom and to improve the Kingdom’s ranking and rating in relevant global indicators and reports by identifying and analyzing challenges facing the public and private sectors and by proposing and monitoring the implementation of solutions and initiatives using best methods and practices.

    ​Without prejudice to the powers and duties of other government agencies, the NCC shall assume the powers and duties necessary to achieve its objectives, including the following:
    1. Enhancing the competitive environment in the Kingdom and improving the Kingdom’s ranking and rating in relevant global indicators and reports.
    2. Partnering with government agencies and private entities, including non- profit civil society associations and organizations, to serve its objectives.
    3. Proposing plans to enhance the Kingdom’s competitiveness in various fields upon coordination with relevant government agencies and private entities.
    4. Reviewing relevant laws and proposing amendments to applicable laws in coordination with relevant government agencies and in accordance with applicable statutory procedures.
    5. Conducting relevant research and studies.
    6. Identifying the challenges of developing a competitive environment as well as making recommendations for addressing such challenges and ensuring the compliance of relevant agencies therewith.
    7. Concluding memoranda of understanding and cooperating with government agencies and private entities to consolidate efforts aimed at enhancing the competitive environment in the Kingd
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    9. Monitoring the government agencies’ compliance with the reforms necessary for improving the Kingdom's competitiveness.
    10. Organizing and holding relevant local, regional, and international forums, conferences, seminars, and workshops, in accordance with applicable statutory procedures.
    11. Monitoring and analyzing all indicators and reports issued by international organizations relating to the competitive environment in the Kingdom and seeking to advance the Kingdom's ranking and rating therein in cooperation with relevant agencies.
    12. Building strategic partnerships with global organizations and centers for the development of competitiveness.
    13. Benefiting from the practices and experiences of countries with advanced rankings and ratings in international competitiveness indicators and reports.
    14. Surveying public opinion regarding the competitive environment in the Kingdom in different fields.
    15. Creating a database indicating the Kingdom's ranking and rating in global competitiveness indicators and reports, the progress it has achieved, and the impact of reforms on the competitive environment in the Kingdom.

    1. ​The NCC shall have a board of directors composed of a chairman and a vice- chairman appointed pursuant to a nomination by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs and the following members:
      a) A representative from the Ministry of Justice.
      b) A representative from the Ministry of Economy and Planning.
      c) A representative from the Ministry of Commerce.
      d) A representative from the Ministry of Finance.
      e) A representative from the Ministry of Energy.
      f) A representative from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing.
      g) A representative from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
      h) A representative from the Ministry of Transport.
      i) A representative from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
      j) A representative from the Ministry of Investment.
      k) A representative from the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources.
      l) Four experts with relevant experience.
    2. Board membership shall be for a term of three years, renewable once. The rank of representatives of government agencies shall not be lower than Grade 14, or its equivalent. The members referred to in paragraph (1)(l) shall be appointed pursuant to a resolution by the President of the Council of Ministers upon the Chairman’s nomination.
    3. A representative of a government agency who is nominated for Board membership shall have relevant qualifications and expertise.

    The Board shall be the NCC’s highest authority and shall oversee the management of the NCC and the conduct of its affairs. It shall, subject to this Statute, take all decisions necessary to achieve the NCC’s objectives and shall, in particular, have the following powers:
    1. Approving the NCC’s general policy, plans, and programs, and monitoring their implementation.
    2. Approving fees for services rendered by the NCC.
    3. Approving the NCC’s organizational structure in accordance with applicable statutory procedures.
    4. Approving the NCC’s administrative and financial regulations in coordination with the Ministry of Finance as well as other internal regulations.
    5. Approving the establishment of branches and offices for the NCC.
    6. Reviewing periodic reports on the NCC’s activities submitted by the Executive Director.
    7. Approving the NCC’s draft budget, final accounts, and annual report as well as auditor’s report, prior to their submission in accordance with applicable statutory procedures.
    8. Accepting grants, donations, gifts, bequests, and endowments in accordance with the law.
    9. Appointing an external auditor, or more, and a comptroller.
    10. Forming committees and granting them the powers necessary for the completion of the tasks assigned thereto.
    11. Approving the appointment of the Executive Director’s deputies.
    12. Evaluating and monitoring the performance of the executive management and, if necessary, taking corrective measures.
    The Board may delegate certain powers to its Chairman or any of its members or to the Executive Director.​

    1. The Board shall convene at least four times a year upon a call by the Chairman. The Board shall also convene if the need arises, at the Chairman's discretion, or if requested by at least half of its members. The Chairman may assign the Vice-Chairman to chair the meetings in his absence.
    2. The call for a meeting shall be made at least five days prior to the meeting date, provided it includes the meeting agenda.
    3. Board meetings shall be valid only if attended by the majority of Board members, including the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. Decisions shall be passed by the majority vote of attending members. In case of a tie, the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
    4. A Board member may not abstain from voting nor vote by proxy.
    5. A Board member must disclose any conflict of interest in any matter included in the meeting agenda.
    6. The Board may, in exigent circumstances at the Chairman’s discretion, hold its meetings and vote on decisions remotely. Decisions may be passed by circulation if the majority of members vote in their favor, provided that all members vote on such decisions and they are entered into the minutes of the subsequent meeting.
    7. Board deliberations and decisions shall be entered into minutes signed by the meeting chairman and attending members.
    8. The Board may invite non-members to attend its meetings in a non-voting capacity.

    The NCC shall have an executive director whose appointment and dismissal shall be pursuant to a Board decision. The appointment decision shall determine his remuneration and other financial benefits. The Executive Director shall be in charge of the management of the NCC and the conduct of its affairs in accordance with this Statute and its regulations and Board decisions. He shall assume the following powers and duties:
    1. Proposing the NCC’s general policy, action plans, and programs and submitting the same to the Board for approval.
    2. Proposing the NCC’s organizational structure and administrative and financial regulations and other regulations, and supervising their implementation upon Board approval.
    3. Supervising the NCC’s activities and the performance of its employees in accordance with his powers and the NCC’s regulations.
    4. Issuing the NCC’s payment orders in accordance with its financial regulations.
    5. Preparing the NCC’s budget, final accounts, and annual report, and submitting the same to the Board.
    6. Representing the NCC before the judiciary, government agencies, and other relevant entities within the Kingdom and abroad; he may delegate such power.
    7. Preparing periodic reports on the NCC’s activities and achievements as well as challenges encountered, and submitting the same to the Board for completion of necessary procedures.
    8. Signing agreements and contracts upon Board approval or in accordance with the powers granted to him by the Board.
    9. Appointing the NCC’s employees and terminating their services in accordance with the powers vested in him and as stipulated by relevant laws and regulations.
    10. Concluding contracts with experts, specialists, and consultants with experience relevant to the NCC’s activities.
    11. Submitting proposals and recommendations to the Board relating to matters falling within his responsibilities.
    12. Recording Board decisions and the opinions and votes thereon in a special register.
    13. Proposing additional services and their fees and submitting the same to the Board for approval.
    14. Monitoring the implementation of decisions relating to the NCC’s activities.
    15. Preparing the NCC’s performance indicators and submitting the same to the Board for approval.
    16. Utilizing the media and other means of communication to highlight the Kingdom's role in global competitiveness.
    17. Assuming any other power or duty assigned thereto by the Board.
      The Executive Director may assign some of his powers and duties to other NCC employees.

    1. The NCC’s financial resources shall be as follows:
      a) Allocations in the State budget.
      b) Fees for the services rendered by the NCC.
      c) Gifts, donations, endowments, and bequests accepted by the Board.
      d) Any other resource approved by the Board not inconsistent with the laws and instructions.
    2. The NCC’s funds shall be deposited in  the Ministry of Finance’s current account with the Saudi Central Bank. Disbursement from such account shall be made in accordance with the NCC’s approved budget.
    3. The NCC shall open an account with the Saudi Central Bank and may open other accounts with any bank licensed to operate in the Kingdom. Disbursement from such accounts shall be made in accordance with the NCC’s budget.

    The NCC’s employees shall be subject to the Labor Law and the Social Insurance Law.

    The NCC’s fiscal year shall be the same as the State’s fiscal year. As an exception, the NCC’s first fiscal year shall commence on the date this Statute enters into force and shall end on the date the State’s fiscal year ends.

    Without prejudice to the jurisdiction of the General Auditing Bureau, the Board shall appoint and determine the fees of an external auditor, or more, from among auditors licensed to practice in the Kingdom to audit the NCC’s accounts, transactions, and statements. The auditor's report shall be submitted to the Board, and a copy thereof shall be provided to the General Auditing Bureau.

    ​This Statute shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force on the date of its publication.​​