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Concept of Competitiveness

​​​What is Competitiveness?

It is the state's ability to make optimal use of all its resources, policies and institutions, to raise the adequacy and quality of services provided to individuals and the business sector, in a way that contributes to achieving sustainable development for the state and placing it in an advanced competitive position.​

The NCC seeks to keep pace with global developments by foreseeing the future and working with high flexibility to enable the Kingdom to lead a new generation of competitiveness reforms focused on enhancing productivity, sustainability and inclusiveness in the private sector.


It is the state's ability to make optimal use of all its resources to produce goods and services with higher efficiency and quality to compete with other economies at the local and global levels through several pillars, including: systems that are stimulating and attracting local and global investment, infrastructure and supportive technology, the efficiency of the judicial system, and trade agreements to reach global markets, enabling monetary and financial policies, an open financial market, enabling measures for the business sector, human capital adapted to market needs, a flexible labor market, and fair competition in the market.​

Pillars of Competitiveness:

  • It is diversity in work style and innovation, investing in research, development, and skills, as well as improving procedures to increase the efficiency of government entities, commercial establishments, and workers, with the aim of producing a higher volume of goods and services, reaching the world, and achieving a higher level of profits.

  • It is a set of environmental and social initiatives included in the strategies and business models of government entities and the business sector, with the aim of preserving government and natural resources with the aim of optimizing them to meet current economic trends and their sustainability for future generations, and that includes energy, water, and transportation.

  • It is improving economic and development policies to achieve equal opportunities for both genders in various fields and to ensure that services and goods of the same quality reach all regions, so that these policies serve society in all its categories and local communities and enable them to participate in achieving economic development and providing various skills to the market.